Picture the Story: Creating Collages to Inspire Our Writing: 8/16, 8/23, 8/30

BFree Studio 16 - 30 August 2022 
BFree Studio 6-8 PM

Whether you have an idea in mind, a story you are ready to craft and share with the world, or find yourself actively seeking inspiration, collage work will help your writing process immeasurably. And, of course, it’s just downright fun. Join creative writing instructor A. M. Palmer for this exciting class. As we create textured collage images, and learn to read them as stories, your writing will be infused with new energy. At the end of the third session, you will have your own artwork in hand and the beginning of your new story. This class will be of great interest to writers of all genres, especially those who enjoy creative
nonfiction and memoir. This class will be three session, 6-8 PM, 8/16, 8/23, and 8/30.

The cost is $25 Cash

Session 1

  • Introduction: How I Developed This Method
  •  Photography & Text: An Overview of the Basics (Susan Sontag, Geoff Dyer, W. G. Sebald)
  • Reviewing Collage Tools (Digital and Paper)

Session 2

  • Collage Examples (Using Clipart for Digital Work and Magazines for Paper Creations)
  • Class Project: Cutting and Pasting
  • Initial Ideas for Writing Projects

Session 3

  •  Sharing Our Creations
  • Ideas for Creating Your Collage Memoir
  • Share the Writing Project You Developed During the Class (Memoir, Family History, Blogs,

Personal Journal)

Spots Are limited, so please RSVP ahead of time!

RSVP Here!


A. M. Palmer is a nonfiction writer and retired park ranger with work appearing in Adelaide Literary Magazine, Belle Ombre, The Packingtown Review, Dream Noir and other publications.